Poll # 1
Why do you thinks Siven is stalking Shun?
1. He likes him(well, more than like...) 35 votes 56% 2. He's bored and has nothing else to do. 0 votes 0% 3. He likes to scare people 2 votes 3% 4. Stop wasting your time writing this poll and start drawing! 18 votes 29% 5. I don't know, he's wierd maybe. 1 vote 1% 6. Who wouldn't stalk Shun. 3 votes 4% 7. Vaiox is crazy and writes stuff like that. 3 votes 4% Out of 62 votes! |
Poll # 2
You think Siven's being too pushy?
1. Yes!! Give Shun some room!! 4 votes 4% 2. No!! Get him! Get him!! 57 votes 67% 3. Not sure, I mean, he didn't follow Shun for the whole day. 9 votes 10% 4. He's not pushy enough(what more should I have him do?) 0 votes 0% **thank goodness** 5. He could ease off a bit. 15 votes. 17% Out of 85 votes! |
Poll # 3
What do you think about the mini comics?
1. Keep makin' em! 27 votes. 62% 2. Quit while you're ahead. 0 votes 0% 3. Where's the update to the real comic? 14 votes 32% 4. You(vaiox) have real problems... 0 votes 0% 5. don't care 2 votes 4% Out of 43 votes! |
Poll # 4 Who would you like to see more of?
1. Shun. 12 votes 24% 2. Siven. 13 votes 26% 3. Kenji 5 votes 10% 4. Megumi 2 votes 4% 5. Ali 1 vote 2% 6. Kiel(the mystery boy) 12 votes 24% 7. Ito(dude with the knife from pt. 1) 5 votes 10% Out of 50 votes!
Poll #5 **heh, I forgot about this one** Ok, how would you all feel if I updated..let's say,
1-3 pages per week?
1. Do it, it's better than nothing! 126 votes 57% 2. Nah, I want more than that every update. 17 votes 7% 3. Don't care as long as you update, baka!! 28 votes 12% 4. Are you really going to live up to this even?(i'm gonna try!~v) 6 2% 5. Update whenever you can. 23 votes 10% 6. At least put something up so we know you're alive. 20 votes 9% Out of 220 votes! |
Poll #6 I'm doing a Thank you pic. What do you want
in it?
1. Siven and Shun! 200 votes 47% 2. Shun and Kiel! 28 votes 5% 3. Siven, Shun, and Kiel! 87 votes 18% 4. Shun and Kenji! (!?~v) 18 votes 2% 5. Put the cast in drag! 113 votes 23% 6. You're a baka! 6 votes 1% 7. I'll write an idea on the BBS... 0 votes 0% 8. Siven and Kenji! (??~v) 5 votes 1% 9. Ito and Shun! (now i'm just making stuff up..~v) 13 votes 2% 10. Siven and Kiel! 4 votes 0% 11. Other! (tell me!~v) 5 votes 1% Out of 472 votes! |
Poll #7 Uh...I can't think of a question for the new poll...
1. Aww...that's too bad.... 13 votes 7% 2. Oh!! I have one!! 4 votes 2% 3. Good, I'm tired of your stupid polls. 2 votes 1% 4. BAKA!!! 28 votes 15% 5. And I care because... 14 votes 7% 6. Have a chocolate chip cookie! 78 votes 44% 7. You poor soul. 6 votes 3% 8. I love Iori!!!! 2 votes 1% 9. I love Kaidoh!!! 2 votes 1% 10. You're on crack...(no, I'm on PoT^^) ~v 7 votes 3% 11. I get the above joke, and it's not funny. (I think it is^^)~v 20 votes 11% Out of 176 votes!! |