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Oh, man! The first thing I noticed was the sound effects on this one. I really need to up the budget for the sound effects guy! That 'close' sound effect is supposed to be the door closing...how creative of me, right? I should at least put 'k-chak!' or 'slam!' or something!! Anything but 'close!' I laughed at this one. Yes, I laughed. It's fun to laugh at your own stuff, at least for me. I laugh at my stuff all the time and then toss it, or keep it for a rainy day when I need to laugh again. And sensei, the only other japanese word I've used in this comic other than baka...My japanese vocabulary is not limited to these two words...honest! Don't know what I was thinking... I need to work on the ruler again... And I hate drawing glasses!! Even though they make a chara look hella cool, I hate 'em!! Yeh, and chibi Kenji is sweet. This was the end of the first update to Addiction. Funny that I remember that. The only reason I continued this is because I got some comments saying that people were "looking forward to the next part" I was like, "looking forward....next part??....I better get working!!" I seriously didn't think anyone would like it, but I'm so happy you do! And thank you!!